Kendra's Protein Grocery List & Top  Hacks! 

The most common protein questions I hear...

1- Why should I increase my protein intake? (and why does that matter for weight/fat loss?)
2- How much protein do I need per day?
3- How *in the world* do I eat that much protein every day? ;) 
In this FREE guide, I will break down WHY you should increase your protein intake for LIFE and also weight loss, fat loss, and muscle gain goals. 
95% of the clients and people I talk to, DO NOT consume any where near enough protein daily and can be a challenge at first. 
In this guide, you will receive:
1- The "why" behind protein intake 
2- Specific protein goals for you and your body weight/goal
3- A grocery list of high quality protein options
4- My top hacks and substitutes for easily increasing protein in your current day to day habits
5- A protein challenge
When you apply my recommendations in the guide, you may notice weight or fat loss, body composition changes, clothes fitting differently, more energy, improved performance and/or strength, improved recovery, less soreness, etc! DM me on Instagram (@kendralahue) and let me know how you feel or results you experience! 


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